Thursday, July 16, 2009

All That Ham and No Love

On Tuesday I attended class with the rest of my TTU classmates, as we always do on Tuesday, except this Tuesday was different from every other “Troy Taylor Takeover Tuesday”. Why? Well Troy had a special guest, none other than Mr. Trey Songz. We were all excited to see Trey, especially since TTU had him to ourselves and didn’t have to share him with the spammers and groupies. Trey said his hellos and “I love you’s” then Troy shut the camera off. (He doesn’t want to record Trey recording unless Trey says so, or it isn’t for Ready.) I like other thought,”As long as I got to see Trey, I’m good.”But that wasn’t the end of Mr. Songz. As anyone in TTU knows, just because Troy is off camera, doesn’t mean he’s not watching. Trey took advantage of this and quickly types “This is Trey-I will be going live tomorrow.” The whole room went into a frenzy. We all typed frantically begging him not to tweet it so we could have him to ourselves, real fans only. Trey then typed “Oh Im gonna tweet it with yo ol stingy azzes.” This gave me an idea.

I decided I was going to show Trey just how much of a dedicated fan I am. I wanted to show him that I go ham and can back it up. I decided I was going to be the first one in trey’s chat room. How was I going to do this? After he made the announcement I rushed over to Trey’s Ustream and there I sat. Holding my place in the virtual line to get first “cracks” at Trey Songz! I figured I could catch him when he first signs on and tell him my story and how long I’ve been waiting for him, and I’d get a shout out on Twitter or my ultimate goal, a follow. I was dedicated. I even told my fam that I was waiting. They cheered me on! I was determined. I went to sleep and put my computer in sleep mode just so the webpage wouldn’t close.

I woke up at 8am because I had a dream. In my dream I typed in the empty chat room a message to Trey, stating that I’ve been there since he announced he was going live, I was doing it to show how dedicated I was, and I wanted him to follow me because of my dedication. I couldn’t go back to sleep, so I took this as a sign to just go ham and do it, and I did. There it sat a heartfelt message to the man whose voice makes love to my ears and his smile quickens my heartbeat. It sat there for hours up until my friends finally decided to join me later that night. They started to chat amongst themselves and my message scrolled to the tippy top into chat oblivion, never to be seen by its original recipient. So with my message being gone I engaged in conversation with my friends whom I care for dearly.

Then the time came. Trey tweeted he would be there in a few minutes. This was my time. This was my moment. As soon as he hit enter and sent that tweet, people started trickling in. I still kept my hopes up that I was going to make myself heard. My friends were behind me as well. With all this love, I couldn’t lose. 300 people crowded the chat as soon as Trey signed on. Then he showed his beautiful face on the screen, and I was rejuvenated. He said he wouldn’t tweet the link out for 10 minutes. This was my chance. Finally, after over 23 hours I would have my chance! Sadly my screams were drowned out by the roar of people and their stupid questions and requests. After 10 minutes and a special kiss, he tweeted the link to his chat. We went from about 6 people, to 20 people, to 300 people, to 3,000 people. As soon as the people started to flock to the chat I started to cry.I saw my friends trying to get my message across only to be lost among the spam and stupid questions, request, and paragraphs asking for shout outs. To add insult to injury, all the traffic in the room froze my computer numerous times. It was out of control. I was hurt and disappointed. This was something “LOL:-)” couldn’t fix. There I sat quiet as I saw people getting shout outs, MY shout outs, MY shine, MY 15 seconds. I was in here first. I was in here for 24 hours, and these seagulls were getting my attention, hogging him and picking him clean and then leave us alone as soon as they’re done. While his loyal fans (mainly me) get no love, get no shine.

People are probably wondering, why was this so important to me? I’ll tell you. I never got to see him in concert, take a picture with him, get a reply or retweet on Twitter, or even a phone call. This was MY time, MY Trey Day. The day I decided to go as ham as I could go. If I was to get that follow from him it would make me part of a very select group. It would mean that out of the over 200,000 followers he has, he noticed me and chose to follow me because I showed real dedication to him and his music. It would’ve have been my little piece of special. A follow would tell the whole Twitterverse, that he saw that I was special. My friends and fellow TTU classmates saw my desire, and determination for this. They were upset as well. So, did I do all of this just to come back empty handed? Like hell I did! TTU and I won’t let that happen! My friends have pledged that they will help me get the reward I deserve. Some have said that they would even tell Professor Troy and see if he can get anything rolling. Fingers crossed on what is to come today.

*In case you were wondering the final total amount of time I spent in that chat room was 24hours and 6 minutes.*
