Yesterday was a long day. I only got three hours of sleep after going ham for Trey Songz 4 38 hours straight. I was exhausted. I felt defeated. So I tweeted to my Twitfam that I was going to go to sleep and in my dreams @SongzYuuup will follow me. After failed attempts to go back to sleep, I decided to stay off Twitter instead. My TweetDeck kept going off as usual and I thought nothing of it. I wanted nothing to do with Twitter at the time. I was hurt, and if Trey tweeted my heart would have broken even more. So I stayed away and let my sister use my computer.
While my sister was on my laptop I had a feeling in my gut that something happened. I didn’t know if it was good or bad. So after she was finished, I took my computer back. I brought my Tweetdeck into view. I figured my friends could make me feel better, they always do. As soon as I look at my TweetDeck there’s a tweet there that catches my attention. The tweet said:
MzSongzYuuup “@Ur_AddictionXx and ur dreams did come true!! lol @songzyuuup is followin u now! ur lucky!! i wish that was me :-( “That’s right ladies and gentlemen I did it!! I got the follow!!!
At first I thought she was just jerking my chain. So I rushed to my Twitter page and there it was! There he was! He was there! In my followers box! First I screamed. Then, I was so overwhelmed with feelings of accomplishment, and love, acknowledgement, and so many more emotions, that I started to cry. I was crying like I won an Academy Award. So what was the first thing I did? I sent out a very heartfelt thank you tweet to my TTU family that helped me get the follow, because they believed in me and my dedication. Second thing? I quickly protected my updates. I didn’t do this because I thought I was someone important. I did it because 1)I hate bots following me and 2)I don’t want people to follow me only because Trey is following me. I don’t need people that have no interest in me following me, thinking since he’s following me he’ll follow them in return. I also don’t need anyone hating on me and my mission. Basically, I don’t need the drama. Finally, I thanked Trey Songz for doing such a wonderful thing for me. I received a lot of tweets telling me that they were going to GO HAM and get their follow like me. I inspired people to come up with ways to show Trey how dedicated they are! My TTU family was even grateful; they RT’d a thank you message to Trey that my friend Joni wrote. The message said:
“@songzyuuup thanks for following my gurl and fellow TTU classmate @Ur_AddictionXx u have really made her life! not her day but her life! Lol”
She was right. This was the biggest thing to ever happen to me. I’m so thankful for TTU. They went ham for me so my dream would come true. This isn’t just a victory for me, but for EVERYONE in TTU! (Real TTU only!) So what have I done since he followed me? I didn’t do anything too extreme really. All I did was thank him 1, 000, 000, 000, 0001 times, and sent him a direct message thanking him and asking him how he came across my story. But besides that, it’s pretty much business as usual. I still want him show me some type of Twitter love, but I’m going to stick with the fact that he’s following me in the first place. Dreams do come true if you believe and have good people behind you. It looks like my luck is changing. For the 1, 000, 000, 000, 0002nd time, THANK YOU TREY FOR FOLLOWING ME ON TWITTER!!I love that man more now than before. If that’s even possible!
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